July 27, 2021 1 min read 2 Comments
During the summer months, your number one priority is keeping your outside dog(s) comfortable. Kennel Sunscreens provide shade for your kennel, reducing your dog’s sun exposure and reducing the real-feel temperature for the dog. Installing the kennel sunscreen is quick and easy. Within a matter of minutes, it will be providing your kennel with the shade needed to keep your dog cool.
March 19, 2021 4 min read
With the winter weather receding and the snows melting, many dog owners look to their yards to find a mine field of dog feces. In this article, I will cover reasons why you want to get all the waste out of your yard and some great products that we have to help you with that task.
December 11, 2020 2 min read
October 13, 2020 4 min read 7 Comments
August 15, 2020 3 min read
August 15, 2020 6 min read 2 Comments
April 27, 2016 2 min read
It's tough, pun intended, to find anything wrong with my Ruff Tough kennel. It's incredibly lightweight for how durable it has turned out to be. The option to have the door open on either side seems like a small thing at first but is very useful and makes it easy to load the dog no matter where I end up with car parked or which side of my vehicle I load the crate into. One tip: With this style door, always make sure the pins properly seat back in place when you close the door, if they don't and you open it from the other side, the door will pop right off. It's simple to pop it back in place but something to keep in mind.
April 14, 2016 4 min read
Talking Dogs - By Bob Ford
We are officially into field trial season in the world of AKC beagles. Field trials are a great opportunity to get out and talk about beagles with other people that actually care what I am saying. What I mean by that, is my wife would rather schedule an optional, unnecessary root canal than endure another discussion about beagles chasing rabbits. I brought up the topic of conditioning dogs, and she immediately grabbed her cell phone and responded to an urgent phone call. -It's mom," she said. She got in the car and sped down the driveway to respond to a crisis. A minute later the phone at the house rang. It was her mother. -Isn't she talking to you now?" I asked.
December 22, 2015 3 min read
Are you looking into building a kennel or just refurbishing your pre-existing kennel? If you answered yes to either of these questions then read on to find out what should be located in a kennel and the most efficient set up to make the best use out of your space.
November 16, 2015 2 min read
There is a lot of preparation and commitment involved in puppy rearing; it's a serious undertaking that with careful planning before the puppies arrive will increase the puppy's chances of survival. Hypothermia is a leading cause of puppy mortality.
July 18, 2015 4 min read
On hot summer days dogs will run themselves to exhaustion if allowed, so it's crucial that dog owners understand the effect of heat on dogs, and owners must also understand how to treat the dog when he becomes overheated.
May 11, 2015 3 min read
Those fateful words uttered to Caesar; "Beware the ides of March?" As with Julius Caesar, mid-March each year holds a day I don't look forward to? my kennels? "pring deep clean? a process much more involved than the usual daily cleanup. Now, much of how I do "og stuff? could fall under the KISS acronym, I Continue reading?
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