Beagle Tales 4 is the fourth installment written...
Beagle Tales 4 is the fourth installment written by Bob Ford where he describes many of his escapades featuring very nostalgic and comical events or moments, where Bob always admires the important things in life. Bob dedicates this book to the many hounds that have given him many good hours afield and his friends and family who helped support his adventures along the way. Over 40 Chapters from Bob's adventures with small game, to his description of the ideal equipment and gear to bring, to comfort food, and a lot more! Bob Ford will leave you laughing and smiling with every chapter as he describes how the little things in life can be important.
Chapter | Page # |
Ready | 1 |
Mean Words | 6 |
Patchwork | 10 |
The Art of Not Seeing Rabbits | 17 |
Somebody | 20 |
Beagle Ethics | 25 |
Firewood and Prayer | 28 |
Glory Days | 35 |
Lazy Trucks | 41 |
Spring Trout | 44 |
Rabbit Spray | 50 |
Old Dogs | 54 |
November Hooky | 60 |
The M Word | 63 |
Tastes like Chicken | 67 |
Gear | 72 |
New Year Same Resolutions | 79 |
Beaglemobile | 82 |
Apple Juice | 88 |
Nostalgia | 97 |
Winslow | 103 |
Beagle Commander | 107 |
Spring Cleaning | 112 |
Honey Do | 115 |
Bobby Burdock | 120 |
Spring Break | 125 |
Small Game | 128 |
Riding Shotgun | 132 |
Chillin' | 134 |
Comfort Food | 137 |
Old Leather | 141 |
For Sale, 100 Acres Call (201)... | 145 |
The Easter Bunny and Beagles | 152 |
Down in the Ghetto | 155 |
Intelligence | 158 |
Letter Opener | 163 |
Memory | 168 |
Thanks, Mom | 173 |
Naughty and Nice | 177 |
Getting Leashed | 181 |
Other books in this series: