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  • Thanksgiving Day Rabbit Hunt

    December 15, 2014 2 min read

    It's hard to believe that we are rolling right up to Christmas already! Winter has shown up with a lot of rain and ice but we got a nice taste of snow for the annual Purnell Brother's (and kids) Thanksgiving Day rabbit hunt.

    This annual rabbit hunt has been a tradition since we were all very young. My dad would have us load up a few hounds so he could get us youngins out of my mother's hair for the day. The annual Thanksgiving Day rabbit hunt was somewhat "ost? for a few years as we all got busy starting our own families and traditions. We were eventually able to start it up again and for the last 21 years we haven't missed a year! Don't get me wrong, not all 5 of us are there every year, and sometimes it may just be my younger brother Steve and his son Luke out there with me. Either way, we are out there carrying on just as our father would have hoped.

    Some years are certainly better than others and the fresh, fluffy snow this year made it extremely hard to see the rabbits. If you got them jumped, the dogs were able to do their part without any problems. I was glad to be wearing my Better Trainers Jacket with an Under Armour Hoody that kept the snow off my neck while my pants were protected by the waterproof chaps from Lion Country Supply. Having the right gear is the difference between a good day and a great day. The hunt ended with my brother Steve shooting the only bunny of the day, but we were able to listen to some outstanding races and thanks to the Garmin Alpha100 we were all home in plenty of time to enjoy dinner with our families.ThankgivingDayRabbitHuntPhoto

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